Friday, October 30, 2009

Create a humor for every design.....

Create a humor board for every design project. Do some research and collect some design pieces that will give u a sense of how to speak to the exclusive tastes of your target audience. One input reflection is the framework in which the message will appear. Where will people see it?
What will they be doing at that time? What other messages will appear alongside ur’s? A magazine cover needs to pop out on a full news set. An ad inside it needs to catch the attention of a reader casually turn over through. A poster for the magazine may be viewed at a distance of hundreds of yards, by drivers idling at an intersection or flying past in a hurry.

A designer must be a researcher

That's branding, and designers play a massive role in making it occur. Brands are always developing, as companies continually redefine their principles, refresh tired products, and reach out to new audiences. If u want to connect to the next productions hahaaaaa( generation), you've got to have designers on board. Today, a design firm appoint for a project is often full with a marketing brief on the company's target consumers. Good designers zero in on this information and do their own research to get known with the consumers tastes: What brands do they purchase? What fashions do they put on? What are their lifestyles? Considerate the consumers help you find a visual language to reach them. Of course, many companies want their message to reach and everyone, not just the nice persons who are now their consumer. And so designers also look for ways to make a position of message clear to the general community. A designer must be a researcher of how people read, how they guzzle images, and what they react to.

Marketing methods of advertising

The idea of designing for a objective viewers is a product of logical marketing methods that
emerged in the 1960s. Recognizing that they could earnings by marketing directly to specific sections of the populations opposed to the collection of market companies began to classify customers into groups based on geographic location, gender, age, income, and so on, and advertise so one.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Why do designers talk softly the words "busy layout" or "text heavy"...

Nothing in a design is subjective nor be supposed to it be. From image behavior to color swatches to paper texture, each part in a well-executed design has a motive. A sharp designer is repeatedly asking himself how the different elements and method at his dumping, such as color, cropping, distinct fact, whatever can be improved used in tune of the message.

Designers use an unwarranted amount of time stripping out extraneous facts and simplifying a design. U know why does nearly every product photo in advertising have a white background? It's bcoz any background detail would divert attention from the product, where the attention belongs. Why do designers talk softly the words "busy layout" or "text heavy" with such contempt? Bcoz e they know that removing waste adds simplicity.

Pure graphic design!

Hey…this anti-war poster created by master designer Marty Neumeier express a composite idea through a unrepresentatively straightforward visual message. So I like this design its ……….Pure graphic design! hahahha

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hang up about designers time-consuming enough

hang up about designers time-consuming enough, and U 'll get to listen to the saying "less is more," a lot accompanied by clever tired of heads. That is bcoz market of appearance is an essential characteristic of graphic design. Design must express a visual message with minimum argument and maximum simplicity.

think the job of the outdoor ad designer. Her work must attract attention, be unstated rapidly often literally at a quick look and communicate without any risk of doubt. This can be achieved only if every part of the design is harnessed to support the message, and all unnecessary, distract element are removed.

Logo, colors, and icons were useful every time to production..

Logo, colors, and icons were useful every time to production,Guarantee and the store outlook.

Once every aspect in the assignment is finalized judgment that rests with the customer the design group is generally responsible for managing the printing and making of the work. This may involve working with the printer to confirm all condition of the work, preparing digital files for printing, and check print quality. A working knowledge of making techniques and a good relationship with a printer is imperative to getting the best results.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The use of assignment brief !

The design team uses the assignment brief as a guide through the creative stage. Depending on the size and requirements of the assignment , a team of creativesdesigners, illustrators, photographers, copywritersmay be collect to think ideas and develop a range of solutions for presentation to the client. In smaller organizations, a single designer may be asked to handle multiple facets of the creative task.

As a assignment develop over weeks and months, critique of the work within the design organizations and multiple rounds of feedback from the client will refine and buff up the message. No designer ever gets it right the first time in media design . Client conference help to make sure that the client (who want that Design ) is satisfied with the art direction and that the work is speak to his or her business wishes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Visual identity Developing

Visual identity developed for Agasthya Ayurvedic Spa, a Conventional Ayurvedic spa, that client asked to create a visual identity that conveyed a luxury and feel of tradition ,so the brand was friendly and accessible.

The Assignment brief may contain Conceptual goals or statements that may not even be remotely visual. If U'r hired to redesign the Logo, for example, your objectives may include increasing a perception of quality, making the product seem to Tradition touch , or attracting a specific group of consumers like Ayurveda lovers. The brief will also include all-important information on the project's budget, deadlines, and production requirements.

Graphic Design Process !

Graphic design is rarely created in a space of random creativity. Most graphic design jobs begin with a commercial objective established through a time-tested process.A design Studio or agency is typically hired by a client to create something like a logo, or a CD cover, a magazine layout, or a Web site. Designers and project managers meet with the client and work collaboratively to define the purpose of the project. What is its message? Who is its target audience? My suggestion is u have to learn more abut observe, bcoz observation make good idea ,The initial meeting generates a document that provides the client and design team a written statement of the project's goals, often called a project brief or design brief ( story Board)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Award-winning designs are never simply decorative!

As U start to study graphic design, u will find that inventive ideas are as important as artistic skill. Award-winning designs are never simply decorative. The best work commands Ur attention through the clever, artful visual communication of a concept. Visual design is just part of the equation; creative plan and copy writing must work in performance with a mastery of graphic elements to carry the message.

What Is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is combination of text, graphics and images. we ( Graphic Designer)can speak volumes without using the written word. And yet, graphic design is not just about creating powerful pictures that's what artists, photographers, and illustrators do. It's about communication. In fact, "visual communication" is the most accurate way to describe the purpose of graphic design. Clients and employers approach the designer with some information that must be communicated to a wide audience. The designer's mission is to bring that work and Simplicity to create that work with the information so that others may understand it. Any time u may think of a designer as a special kind of translator who turns dull old words into an attractive one, and he give easy to get to visual message.

In today's vast information jungle, this is no small challenge. information is no longer enough. Designers must discover clever images and creative solutions to make their work stand out and grip the attention they are asked to take hold of.

An introduction to design principles.

about characteristics of graphic design.
Get an overview of the professional graphic design process.
How design conveys a visual message.
How design can support a company brand.
How design communicates to an audience.
Investigate the roles of imagery, color, typography, and composition in design.

If u get a better graphic designer by studying the basics and principles of graphic design that govern effective design and page layout. Graphic design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message to the audience.

Graphic Design is everywhere!

U know Who creates all this great design works ? Thanks to the digital revolution, there's a new breed of artist in town. The advent of the personal computer, the spread of desktop publishing, and the increasing sophistication and relative affordability of design software applications have created a new generation of designers, that's why the graphic designer also known as the art director, brand manager, graphics coordinator, digital artist, illustrator, Web designer, multimedia developer, and new media designer is responsible for the brands you covet, the products you flaunt, the ads you eye, the magazines you devour, the sites you crawl. Every visual communication everything you pay attention to was created by a Proud to be a GRAPHIC DESIGNER

U want to learn graphic design?

hi dude...U want to learn graphic design. It's a natural choice. If U love design, it's a great time to be alive. Visual communication has us surrounded. U cannot walk around New York or L.A., London or Tokyo any urban space, really without encountering a welter of ingenuity and inspiration for your eyeballs. Head out of town, and even in the middle of the prairie, billboards scream for your attention.