Friday, October 30, 2009

A designer must be a researcher

That's branding, and designers play a massive role in making it occur. Brands are always developing, as companies continually redefine their principles, refresh tired products, and reach out to new audiences. If u want to connect to the next productions hahaaaaa( generation), you've got to have designers on board. Today, a design firm appoint for a project is often full with a marketing brief on the company's target consumers. Good designers zero in on this information and do their own research to get known with the consumers tastes: What brands do they purchase? What fashions do they put on? What are their lifestyles? Considerate the consumers help you find a visual language to reach them. Of course, many companies want their message to reach and everyone, not just the nice persons who are now their consumer. And so designers also look for ways to make a position of message clear to the general community. A designer must be a researcher of how people read, how they guzzle images, and what they react to.

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